My First Attempt at this Dish. 75% Correct. |
Here are the Ingredients you will need to gather.
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Prickly Ash Berries or SiChuan Peppercorns |
6-8 Dried Red Chillies Whole
3T Crushed Red Peppers
5 Cloves Minced Garlic
1 Head of BokChoi
1 Bunch of Green Onions
2 Egg Whites
1T Potato or Corn Starch
1T Kosher Salt
1 Package of Prickly Ash Powder
1 Package of Prickly Ash Berries or SiChuan
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Bean Paste. Not the brand I use but it will work |
2t Chicken Granules or 1.5 cups of Chicken Stock.
2t Soy Sauce
1 Bottle of Peanut Oil (Any oil will work but Peanut is best)
Ok, thats a lot of stuff. Don't worry though it will be worth it.
To begin slice the Pork meat into thin flat strips. Mix the egg whites and starch together in a bowl. Using a meat tenderizer lightly pound the meat flat before you put it in the egg mixture. I use the side meant for Steak. It has little points on it that will penetrate the meat. Put the meat in the bowl and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. You will come back to it later.
Chop up the BokChoi as if you were going to make a salad with it. You want it in Large Square pieces.
In your wok pour a generous amount of Peanut Oil in the wok and heat it until it's hot but NOT smoking. Halve the Whole Chillies and get rid of the seeds unless you are insane and want to literally choke on spicy air for the next 30-45 minutes. Put the Chillies and 1TBSP of the Peppercorns in the Oil. Let them cook until the oil has a nice fragrant smell to it. Use a strainer to take the spices out of the oil and bring the heat down so it doesn't start smoking. Chop up the spices you just took out of the oil finely and set them aside.
Crank the heat up on the WOK with the fragrant Oil in it and let it heat until it just starts to smoke. Add the BokChoi and a nice Pinch of Kosher Salt and stir fry them until they are coated in the oil, hot but still crunchy. In a Medium glass Serving bowl (make sure it can handle high heat) put the BokChoi in the center in a mound.
Heat up some water and add your chicken Granules to the water so it has time to dissolve. Alternatively you may use 1.5 cups of Chicken Stock.
In the Wok heat another 3-4 TBSP of Peanut Oil until it smokes then turn the heat down to medium and ad a generous amount of the Bean Paste and the Garlic. 1-2TBSP heaping should be sufficient. Stir fry a minute or two until the Oil is red and smells like it would kick your butt but then bandage you up afterward. Add the Stock and Soy Sauce and bring it to a very light boil. Add the chilies and peppercorns that you finely chopped early after taking out of the oil.
At this point you need to go back to your meat. Bring the broth on the stove down to a very very gentle simmer and add the meat. Adding the meat will naturally bring the temperature of the broth down. That's ok. You don't want the mixture to boil at ALL. When you have added the last piece of meat turn the heat off on the stove and let the broth sit for 3-5 minutes with the heat off. Check the temperature of the broth and make sure it's at least 180-190. If you need to leave the stove on for it to get to that temperature that's ok. Do NOT let it boil. Take a piece of meat out after about 3 minutes in the broth at temperature and pull it apart. If you don't see any pink it's ready. When you taste the meat it should literally melt in your mouth.
Using a slotted spoon put the meat on top of the BokChoi pile and then pour the broth over the top until the bowl is 3/4 full.
Sprinkle the Crushed Red Peppers over the top. If you are brave you will put them all on top. If you don't really like spicy stuff then just a light sprinkling is fine. Sprinkle about 1tsp of the Prickly ash powder on top of the whole thing.
In the WOK heat 2-3 TBSP of Peanut Oil until it's belching smoke. Pour the heated oil over the top of the dish.
This dish is AWESOME so don't let the recipe intimidate you. It's totally worth it!
Enjoy. 慢慢吃饭
I am totally going to make this! It was awesome.